Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming

Mixed Integer (Linear) Programming (MIP/MILP) is a type of linear programming which also includes integers as decision variables. So rules are changed slightly.

There are more restrictive versions as well such as Integer Programming (IP) which rules out continuous variables or even Binary Programming (BP) which every decision variable is either 1 or 0.

Mathematical Model

Mathematical representation of MIP/MILP model is almost the same as LP with the exception of the inclusion of integer (and binary) decision variable types.

\[\begin{gather} \min c^\mathsf{T}x \\ Ax + By + Cw = b \\ x \ge 0 \\ y \in \{0,1,...\} \\ w \in \{0,1\} \\ \end{gather}\]

Here in our case \(y\) represents the set of integer decision variables and \(w\) represents binary decision variables. Even though binary decision variables are a subset of integer variables, due to their wide usage it is more convenient to make such a distinction.